Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How God Told Me to Quilt

I never imagined that I would become rabid about quilting. Not in my wildest dreams. I'm not THAT kind of person. Not patient enough. Or Creative. Or cool enough. Yet, here I am about to finish my first sampler quilt.
It was a beautiful spring morning, neither too warm or cold so I decided to take the kids on a walk. When I got home, I realized I'd locked myself out of the house. Again. This is a pretty regular occurrence for me. I have to call a locksmith at least once a year for getting locked out of my car or losing keys,etc. We'd just purchased this home and I hadn't hidden a spare key outside yet. Since, I left my phone at home too, I went across the street to my neighbors house to borrow a phone and infringe on her hospitality until the locksmith arrived.
Let me tell you about Karlene. She's the Jedi Master of Quilting. Not only are her finished quilts gorgeous but her technique is spot on. She knows everything there is about how to put a block together and does it effortlessly. She looks at strip of fabric and can tell what the measurements are. I think maybe the force conforms it to what she says. Its awesome.
I tried sewing before. My mom tried to teach me. I hated it but every so often I'd get these ideas in my head and try to make something like a barbie dress for my sisters. Fast forward to college and I got this great idea that I should be a fashion designer. UNfortunately, that major requires LOTS of sewing classes. My first semester of clothing construction had me clawing my face with frustration and stress trying to get things done by the deadline. Needless to say, I changed my major. Karlene had mentioned teaching me how to quilt before and I laughed saying that sewing is not my thing. I did need a hobby ( I don't do any  other crafts: scrapbooking, photography, etc) but wasn't prepared to quilt although it kept nagging at me all week.
Well, here I was waiting and Karlene is telling me all about quilting and showing me her designs. I am salivating at how beautiful they are. I couldn't not want to sew. After our fir st lesson, I wasn't stressed or worried and- brace yourself- I liked the finished product. It was easy to quilt. And its been enjoyable learning new blocks and techniques every week. I have one more 12" block to do to finish the quilt top. Can't wait!
I'm pretty sure that God made me forget my keys that day because He knew I'd love quilting. Note to self: Do Not Ignore God.

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